It’s funny isn’t it? You drive down a street at this time of year and all the front doors are decorated for Christmas. But do you ever wonder what the story is behind a front door?
Today, our Authorized Distributor in BC’s Lower Mainland was able to be involved in a really happy story that involved a front door.
A few weeks ago, there was a very sad news story about an elderly couple whose house was severely damaged by fire. Unfortunately the couple hadn’t insured the house because they couldn’t afford to. The insurance company wouldn’t give them cover unless their chimney was re-lined, and they couldn’t afford to carry out the work, so they didn’t insure their home.
They thought they had lost everything – including the home they’d lived in for all their married lives.
The local community turned out in force
However, when the story hit the news, the local community got involved. The local police and fire departments led the way and a fantastic group of volunteers restored the house from top to bottom. Local companies, including our Lower Mainland distributor, donated their products, their time and their services, so the couple could see out the rest of their days in their home.
Home in time for Christmas
Today was the day the home was revealed to the couple and they moved back in – just in time for Christmas. Everyone involved cheered them into their newly renovated home in the manner of an Extreme Home Makeover TV programme. It was pretty overwhelming for them.
But to see the happiness on their faces and the joy in their eyes as they stepped through their new front door – complete with Christmas wreath – ensured everyone involved smiled a lot.
It’s great that our distributors are so involved in their communities. And it’s great that sometimes, in small ways, we can make a big difference.