A couple of weeks ago we entertained eight lovely bloggers from across the USA and Canada at the Southern Romance home in Mobile, Alabama.
Eight bloggers with their cameras at the ready!
First, let me say from the get-go what a great and talented bunch of ladies they are! (I encourage you to do your heart some good and check them all out in the links at the end of this post).
But man. Trying to get them to stay in one place at one time was dang near impossible.
You’d no sooner open a door and they were off in eight different directions, holding eight different smartphones, having eight different conversations (simultaneously) and asking eight different questions all at once. Multi-tasking is totally overrated in my view, but these fine women have it down to a fine art!
My brain was just about fried.
But boy did they know how to engage with our project and the right questions to ask. They were so dynamic.
And I mean that in the sense that they just wouldn’t keep still. Their enthusiasm bubbled over at every turn.
I’m so relieved that we didn’t lose any of them in the six barns of antiques spread across a five acre farm we took them to.
Phones first, ask questions later
And did I ever learn about social media from them. They all arrived – at each event – with their phones first.
It was a thing of beauty to watch. Their eyes scanned the whole scene and then they zoomed in on all the details that they wanted to share with their loyal followers. There was only a split second before it was all shared on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.
Boom. Just like that.
I loved them for it! Talk about determination to do the right thing.
It was awesome to watch. Our marketing team was so excited to see the bloggers in action – and I think we learned a thing or two from them!
Grit and determination
So what did I learn from this group of ladies? I was determined to find out the secret of their success in building their massive follower-ships in social media.
And guess what I discovered? There was no magic wand, no silver bullet, no instant noodle. To a lady, each one of them built their business from the ground up the old fashioned way. They left nothing to chance. They worked hard. They got to know their readers.
And wherever they came from – they shared the same passion: they set out to share what mattered to them in a way that matters to their followers.
Day in and day out.
And so just like any other successful business owner it’s because they keep at it, keep caring about it and keep striving to be the best that they can be.
So there you go folks. Want to know what I learned from spending just over 24 hours with eight crazy bloggers?
Share your passion – and people will listen.
(Oh, and by the way, if you’re a regular reader of my blog, you’ll be happy to know that I didn’t let any of these professional bloggers steal my precious pink phone!)
You can visit our blogger friends websites here: