I love our shipping department.
Not just because they’re the folks that get our products to their destinations across North America and around the world. Nor because they know where every product lives in our facilities, how to locate them, and what size box they need to be packed in. And not even because they can tell you the difference between a FedEx Priority and a FedEx Freight delivery.

The Shipping Team at Phantom. From left to right: Colby, Tim, Elora, Dempsey, Emma, Bobbie
I love them because they’re such a great bunch of people. They’re funny. They’re smart. And best of all they’re one of the best examples of what a team should be. You know, I often refer to the Phantom “family”, but what I truly love to hear is others talking about their coworkers as a family. It shows that there’s a really special relationship there.
And that’s why I thought I would introduce the shipping family to you. That way when you see our installer remove your new Phantom screen from its box you’ll know the awesome people who made the delivery happen.
Emma is our shipping coordinator. She’s the one who makes sure everything that needs shipping is ready – on time, every time. She’s a master planner and great at making things happen. She has all the deadlines in her brain, but can still manage to make a last minute, rush job happen! When I asked her what she loves most about the shipping team, she didn’t miss a beat before saying: “they’re just a lot of fun – and are like my family. When you think about it, I probably spend more time with them than I do my own family! It’s like a home away from home.”
Emma shares the shipping office with Tim. Tim’s been at Phantom for seven years and loves the family atmosphere. He even admits that most of his friends are connected with the company in some way! He’s the shipping department’s entertainer, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t take his work seriously. He is great at solving problems and putting things right when they go wrong. Tim has a great smile and a very quick wit – so a visit to the shipping office is guaranteed to leave you chuckling.
Now when it comes to the small parts and accessories that Phantom ships – everything from screws to brochures – there is only one person you need to know: Bobbie. She has an encyclopedic knowledge of the small parts area of our facility and has been at Phantom for over five years. Affectionately seen as the mother figure of the shipping team, she truly looks out for everyone she works with. If she wasn’t at Phantom, she’d love to combine her love of people with her caring nature to have a career in nursing.
And here’s a little secret for you: Bobbie has the kind of smile which lights up her face and makes everyone feel better.
A year ago, Colby joined the team. He can be found loading trucks, driving a fork lift or planning a practical joke or two. Interestingly, he’s a guitar fanatic (Jimi Hendrix is his hero) and if he wasn’t working for us at Phantom he’d love to be building guitars and running a small hostel somewhere in South America. Quietly spoken and quietly determined, Colby states that integrity is incredibly important and loves Phantom Screens’ community involvement – as well as the people he works with.
Last, but definitely not the least, are the newest members of the shipping team: Dempsey and Elora. Dempsey gets the shipping loads ready for transit and loves the shared sense of humor of his co-workers. He really enjoys working at Phantom and is proud of the fact that his Grandma has a Phantom retractable screen. What’s more – so am I! Elora was welcomed by the shipping team recently and has really enjoyed her time here. Apparently she has a long held ambition to be a race car driver – but in a pink car to match her pink boots! Let’s hope she doesn’t realize her ambition too soon!
So there you have it: the Phantom Shipping Team. They’re a wonderful bunch of people and a great team.